Illustration of installing ComfyUI on Windows

Effortless ComfyUI Installation on Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’ve decided to install ComfyUI on your Windows system, you’re in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through each step to get ComfyUI up and running smoothly. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, follow these instructions to successfully complete your ComfyUI install and transform your text descriptions into stunning AI-generated visuals with ease.

What is ComfyUI and Why Should You Use It?

Different nodes in ComfyUI Install
Examples of nodes in ComfyUI, each representing a different function in the image generation process.

Before we dive into the installation process, let’s quickly recap what ComfyUI is and why it’s worth your time. ComfyUI is a powerful graphical user interface (GUI) designed specifically for Stable Diffusion. Stable Diffusion is a type of AI model that generates images from text descriptions. Instead of writing code, you can use ComfyUI’s visual interface to connect various functions, or nodes, to create complex workflows. It’s like building with Lego blocks, but for AI image generation.

Step 1: Download the ComfyUI Install Package from GitHub

First things first, you need to get the ComfyUI package from its official GitHub repository.

  • Visit the GitHub Page: Open your web browser and go to the ComfyUI GitHub page.
  • Download the Package: Click on the ‘Direct link to download’ to get the `` file.
Downloading ComfyUI package from GitHub
Download the ComfyUI package from its official GitHub repository.
  • Extract the Package: Once the download is complete, use a tool like 7-Zip or WinRAR to extract the contents of the zip file. If you don’t have 7-Zip, you can download it from

Right-click on the zip file, select ‘Properties,’ and then click ‘Unblock’ if you encounter any issues during extraction.

Step 2: Install Git

Next, you’ll need to install Git on your system. Git is essential for downloading and managing some of the plugins that enhance ComfyUI’s functionality.

  • Understand Git: Git is a distributed version control system that helps developers track changes and collaborate on projects.
  • Why You Need Git: You’ll use Git to install extensions and manage updates for ComfyUI.
  • Download Git: Head over to the Git download page and download the appropriate version for your operating system.
Installing Git on Windows
Install Git to manage ComfyUI plugins and updates.
  • Install Git: Run the installer and follow the default settings to complete the installation. Make sure to include Git Bash and Git GUI during the setup.

Step 3: Install ComfyUI Manager Plugin

Now, let’s install the ComfyUI Manager plugin, which is a handy tool for managing and extending the capabilities of ComfyUI.

  • What is ComfyUI Manager?: It’s a plugin that allows you to easily manage and extend the functionalities of ComfyUI.
  • Why You Need It: With ComfyUI Manager, you can effortlessly manage plugins and keep your setup organized.
  • Install ComfyUI Manager:
    • Open Git Bash (you can find it in the Start menu).
    • Navigate to the `ComfyUI/custom_nodes` directory using the `cd` command. For example:

cd /path/to/your/ComfyUI/custom_nodes

  • Clone the ComfyUI Manager repository with the following command:

git clone

Step 4: Run ComfyUI

Finally, it’s time to run ComfyUI and start creating some amazing AI-generated images.

  • Navigate to the ComfyUI Folder: Open the folder where you extracted ComfyUI.
Running ComfyUI on Windows
Run ComfyUI on your Windows system and start generating AI images.
  • Choose a Batch File to Run: You’ll see two batch files: `run_cpu.bat` and `run_nvidia_gpu.bat`.
    • `run_cpu.bat`: This runs ComfyUI using your CPU. It’s slower but works on any system.
    • `run_nvidia_gpu.bat`: This runs ComfyUI using your NVIDIA GPU, which speeds up the process but requires a compatible graphics card.
  • Run the Batch File: Double-click on the appropriate batch file. A command-line window will open, and you’ll see a series of commands being executed.
  • Check for Success: Once you see a string of addresses in the command line, it means ComfyUI has started successfully.
  • Open ComfyUI in Your Browser: Copy one of the addresses from the command line and paste it into your web browser. This will open the ComfyUI interface.


And there you have it! You’ve successfully installed ComfyUI on your Windows system. By following these steps, you can now harness the power of AI to generate stunning images from text descriptions. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, ComfyUI offers a flexible and intuitive way to explore the world of AI art.

What’s Next?

Now that you have successfully installed ComfyUI on your Windows system, it’s time to dive deeper into its capabilities. In our next article, Setting Up Your Workspace in ComfyUI: A Comprehensive Guide, we will walk you through the process of configuring your workspace, understanding the interface, and building your first workflows. Follow this guide to maximize the potential of ComfyUI and start creating stunning AI-generated visuals with ease. Don’t miss out – click here to continue your journey with ComfyUI!

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